Monday, June 11, 2018


The world is going horribly wrong. Surely you can see that.

Suicide rates are going through the roof. People who seemingly have everything are bumping themselves off. Why is that happening?

We have some kind of maniac in charge here in the US, but we're not alone. An official after the recent G7 conference described Trump as an incompetent version of Heath Ledger's Joker. But even in such a "civilized" place as Denmark, people are barring the gates and manning the walls. Thinly veiled Nazis are ascendant. Maybe battening down the hatches and hunkering down is not such a bad idea, considering how things are going.

We are destroying the planet and everyone knows it. What, you think you can just keep on doing whatever you want and it will all be okay? We can keep on ripping the tops of mountains off to get at the coal to burn, and it will all still be okay? We can keep consuming resources at unprecedented levels, and nothing will come of it? There will be a reckoning.

Robots and AI will take our jobs soon, eventually all of them. What happens to the people after no one needs employees any more? Machines will also be our soldiers soon, soldiers perfect and without pity. Interesting that millions of people are about to be superfluous at a time when the perfect technology is being developed to kill them.

We are descending into madness and no one can stop it, and no one even really has a plan to. Most honest environmentalists are already accepting that applying moderate and sensible environmental legislation will not stop or even much slow the destruction of the planet. In other words, that even the political best case scenario for saving the planet won't really work well enough.

Hatreds we thought we were well on the way to burying, have risen from the grave and nobody can stop them. You can't stop hate with a bullet. You can't stop it with a law.

The United States has been extraordinarily blessed for the past 70 years. No nation has ever been so successful. We have been so prosperous. But all good things come to an end. The bill finally comes due, for everything we have been doing. We imagined that our particular model of freedom and progress would continue forever, that we would succeed forever, but it was all a lie. We have been living in a dream world. Our dark ghosts are rising from our closets now. Who we really were, all this time, is finally being revealed. The mask has been ripped off the face of Lady Liberty and the visage we gaze into is the visage of madness.

That face has been there all along, but we didn't know.

People can fix a lot of things, but one thing they can't fix is G-d's judgment. G-d's judgment, you have to adapt to what He says. If you don't, even worse things will happen. G-d's judgment cannot be bargained with or pleaded with, you either do exactly what He says to do or the full weight of it comes down on you.

The book of Jeremiah showed us exactly how that works. Jeremiah told the King of Judah that the king of Babylon has been given power to destroy him. Whatever the king of Babylon says to pay as tribute, you suck it up and you pay it, every cent. Otherwise, he is coming down and destroying Jerusalem and you. And G-d will allow it because you are evil and disobedient and have forgotten Him. But he didn't pay, and Babylon destroyed Judah.

What is America, really? The idea that as long as you can pay for it, you can have or do whatever you want. Human willfulness is the essence of America. You want to have your own space program while your employees slave away in un-air-conditioned warehouses under terrible conditions. You can have it, Jeff Bezos, because you have the dough. No G-d watches what you do, Jeff Bezos, as you crush your workers to become the richest man in the world. This is America: those who have the gold make the rules. Are we not the very picture of an empire ripe for G-d's vengeance?

Unless we change and accept the G-d of Sinai and Him alone, denounce the worldly churches who say all is well while everything is burning, denounce the idea that Jesus or anyone or anything else is G-d except G-d, follow the Torah and live according to the Ten Commandments and the other wisdom of G-d, this is only the beginning. 

"They offer healing offhand
for the wounds of My poor people
saying, "All is well, all is well"
when nothing is well.

~Jeremiah 8:11