Sunday, August 29, 2021

Abundant Providence

 I was outside, doing an activity that probably a lot of people would consider barbaric. I was washing out my poop bucket. ;) There is no plumbing inside my house, so while I do have a toilet that I made myself and it works very nicely, the thing that receives the excreta is a bucket with a lid. I take it out and put it on the compost pile.

Anyway, I was there after rinsing out the bucket and setting it out to dry in the sun, and there were huge butterflies everywhere. At least two giant swallowtails that I saw, and some Gulf Fritillarys which are beautiful big orange butterflies. One giant swallowtail hovered right over me, and it was like looking up through a stained glass window. It was a flying stained glass window, not just flying but fluttering so delicately, like a flag in the wind.

How can you look at such a thing and not believe in G-d?

And I knew that at that moment 90 miles away, thousands of people were fighting Dallas traffic through a man-made landscape with no butterflies. No shy snakes. No sweet country smell in the air. No steampunk-looking grasshoppers, looking like they were made of bronze. No Snow-on-the-Prairie. No fish. No sunflowers. None of the little blue flowers that the butterflies love so much and which last so long in the summer heat that they can feed on them all summer long. No guardian spiders like I have over my front steps lol. None of the little red-striped Phidippus jumping spiders who eye me so warily with their many eyes.

And I praised G-d for his abundant grace to his wretched servant. This is HIS land: I am just graced to live on it. Praise his holy Name, for He is truly good.

Now I do live a life free of many of the luxuries, so-called necessities, of modern life. No flush toilet. I do dishes in a wash tub and have to haul water for that and for baths. No washer dryer. No dishwasher. The nearest restaurant and the nearest convenience store are both about 10 miles away. Nearest hospital is 20 miles away. Most of my food aside from what I grow are things that are dry-storable. I drink canned condensed milk in my coffee.

But I would rather haul a hundred gallons of water in buckets in this blessed place, HIS land, than spend 10 minutes in Dallas traffic.

Praise His Name, for He is GOOD. <3

Giant Swallowtail

Gulf Fritillary


It's not my land, it's G-d's land. I just live here.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Generational Failure

 If someone imagines that the world of the Bible is old news, dead and buried: you're just not paying attention.

The world of the Bible is very much alive and well and working its dynamics on us here in America just as it did on the ancient Israelites. There is nothing new under the Sun. It is the same story, and has been from the beginning. The story of sin and spiritual decay and death. And sometimes, grace and redemption.

The generational aspects of the Bible are unavoidable, as inconvenient as they may be to a modern reader. The spiritual destiny of the individual is still between them and G-d alone, but generational sin will color the pain, unpleasantness, injury and even persecution of the journey to that destiny. We are not islands: each one of us carries our part of the generational burden of sin.

You can pretty well say that if anything is said in Exodus 20, right in and alongside the Ten Commandments G-d spoke from Mt. Sinai, it is really really really important. And right at the beginning of those Commandments, G-d says this:

"For I the Lord your G-d am an impassioned G-d, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generations of those who reject Me, but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments."

~Exodus 20:5-6

I am living in the very midst of massive generational failure. Our grandparents failed, our parents failed, we failed, our children failed, and now a new generation of further failure. This is a spiritual cascade failure. Like a house made of dominoes, falling in on itself.

My paternal grandfather was a drunkard, which was often blamed on him having part Indian blood. While my grandfather did look a little Native American, as far as I know the Native American blood in the Dodd family line is only a myth. Genetic analysis reveals overwhelmingly Scots-Irish ancestry. And the Celts were always a bloody violent chaotic and often self-destructive people. Anyway, he pretty much drank himself to death, spending the end of his life in an insane asylum.

My maternal grandfather I knew much less of, though paradoxically he seemed much more stable. On my mother's side people tended to disown or distance their own family a lot. His father, Salvatore, was a womanizer who the family essentially disowned. I know nothing of him except his name, that he was Italian, and that he had relationships with women that caused his family to disown him. But that was Salvatore. Larry,  my grandfather, was a barber and aside from marrying my wild drunken grandmother seemed to have a stable life. What I never heard from his lips is anything about G-d. RIP.

My paternal grandmother, Mildred, was a rock of stability, and did seem to be a woman of faith, a faith that she more or less completely failed to communicate to her own sons. She, despite her own (perhaps lukewarm) beliefs, never spoke to me about G-d at all. I know she believed and later in life I think she deepened that faith, but while her conduct might have spoken of her beliefs her mouth essentially never did. Perhaps one reason why I cannot stop talking about G-d is that I fear one day having the kind of unassertive faith she had. She believed, I know she did, but she didn't bring it home when it mattered. Maybe she still had that "women should be silent and in the kitchen" thing of past ages going on. She could definitely speak up, but usually long after the horse fled the corral. I remember one time her accidentally revealing the truth of my bastard birth to me in an argument with my mother. Perhaps she imagined that her son was blameless in that event. Fortunately nobody cares if you are a bastard anymore. I was wild in my youth, and when once I came home stinking drunk she read me the riot act - but the proper time for her to have inculcated moral fiber and fear of G-d in me was long before that. As usual, she acted after the horse had bolted the corral.

There is no point lecturing an intoxicated person while they are intoxicated. Catch them first thing the next morning, when they are already in a mood to repent. ;)

My maternal grandmother was... surprise! A drunkard and a loose woman. Ah, drink and sex: how the love of you has ravaged my family. Vera Pecella. In my mother's childhood she brought a series of men and bottles home to the boarding house that her mother ran. And then came the DT's which traumatized my mother. Vera drank herself to death, so early that I do not really remember much of her at all. She saw me, but I do not really remember seeing her. How she hooked up with the seemingly stable Lawrence Pecella, my maternal grandfather, I do not know, but it didn't last long. My mother's memories of home were of being an only child in her grandmother's boarding house, where her grandmother read fortunes for the Depression-era suckers. Wow, I have witches in my background, and unscrupulous money-motivated witches besides! ;) Meanwhile her mother trotted men back and forth, and drank.

Perhaps she imagined she was cool and liberated.

I spoke of my paternal grandmother, Mildred. As to her sons - I cannot speak to my uncle's faith, but my father Robert Sr. (I am a Jr.,) had a deep hatred of Christianity, which was the only Abrahimic religion he had any real contact with. When I first started my walk with G-d I was a Christian (having later accepted the religion of the sole only G-d of Sinai and His Law,) and he could barely conceal his disgust at it. He used to happily gloat at how he terribly abused the religious students at Baylor University where he went to school on a football scholarship. He was a weak cowardly man in many ways, a bully when it suited him, thanks to his football-playing muscles. That said, compared to his own father he was a paragon. His vices, while not particularly restrained, were restrained enough to mostly keep him out of trouble. He handled his drink pretty responsibly and moderately, even more so than my mother who could down a few too many on occasion. I don't even remember ever seeing him drunk. Perhaps the lesson of his own father was enough to keep him clear of that. He had a few sexual flings, but kept within bounds. He seemed to have adopted the Playboy philosophy of a man of the world: enjoy a lot, but under control. His least moderated sin was gluttony, but at least that had cultural benefits. I learned of the exotic foods of foreign lands at an age and time when my peers were still firmly in meatloaf-and-potatoes territory. This vice like all vices bore its ultimate fruit: a series of gastric disorders that ultimately along with diabetes contributed to his death. True, he did not die YOUNG: he was old enough to be called old, but he died in his seventies. Compared to many in the family history, he didn't get off too badly. Not compared to the DT's and early death of alcoholism. But he had a deep revulsion for G-d. He loved to ridicule preachers, which granted many are worthy of ridicule, but he enjoyed ridiculing them too much not to have a bit of special personal bile in the ridicule.

Now we come to my mother, Mary. My feelings of reverence make me want to just go, "Mom was a saint" and move on. Mom was not a saint though. She believed in Christianity, but not enough to try to instill it in us, and she belonged to the most archetypally lukewarm of denominations, the Episcopalians. She did try to force us wayward children to go to church, but in my own case not successfully for long. Like many, I think she was comfortable with God in a box. As long as G-d stayed in his God box, which of course would be infinitely too narrow for the real G-d, she was happy being nominally religious. G-d does not stay in a box, of course. G-d is way bigger than any of us OR our boxes. She was especially happy with the religious holidays, when she could build a sense of home life in her home with her children that she never had in her childhood.

And it was, no mistaking, HER home. She was the boss though not initially. I have a memory of my father coming home from road trips and reading her the riot act on not keeping the home clean and fulfilling all her wifely duties as well as her career. But soon my dad bowed to the one with the stronger will and the most strings to pull, and that was my mom. Most of the time she made more money; almost always she HAD more money. She was not as prone to the luxuries that my dad was weak to. She was stronger. Money is might, and might makes right far more in the economic realm than in the realm of Dad's muscles. And he did love her, and she did love him, though their fights were enough to make me swear off marriage. That was the background noise of my childhood: them fighting.

Any other shortcomings my mother had are private. She loved us, her children, though she did not understand us and did not teach us to be God-fearing people. She just kind of assumed we would follow in her mold, which in some ways we did.

Now we come to me. What was my part in this multigenerational saga?

I think that at a very early age I came to realize that I was 1. very different from the people around me and 2. I was haunted by the feeling that something was not quite right in all this. It was like that scene from the original Matrix movie, the scene that the rest of the movie never quite lived up to:

"Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad."

So, naturally, being a Dodd, I tried to drown that feeling in drink and drugs. After alcohol lost its appeal, I turned to pot and psychedelics. Ultimately, I hoped that LSD would free me from the Matrix. It did not, though the hundred or so trips I took were very interesting. Not ultimately meaningful, more full of questions than answers. A few bad trips in a row disabused me of the notion of following that path any further. What the world was offering was not enough, and I knew that, but I did not know what to do with what I knew. So like the world, I too was broken.

Since this is a confessional of sorts, I won't go into the path from there. This is a post about intergenerational sin, not grace. I was a deeply dysfunctional person in my youth, and in many ways still am. My people skills range from poor to downright autistic. I anger easily, though I am not violent. It is no mystery why I am a lifelong bachelor: I push people away very readily. Get off my lawn. I used my nerdy interests like a drug: for a long time it was computer games, but it was always something nerdy that I used to escape from the real broken world. That wasn't entirely negative, sometimes it could dovetail nicely with building a constructive life, but often not.

And now we get to the point of this whole thing, if it has a point. It has slammed home so very hard to me how I am in the midst of this generational sin. My grandparents failed, my parents failed, I failed, and now I see the wreckage of our collective failure as a people all around me, coming home to roost. The way you live your life does not only affect you. It affects everyone around you. How would my mother have been different, if her mother had been a sober and G-d - fearing woman? How would my dad have been different if his dad had not been an abusive drunkard? Can we even imagine a world that isn't dysfunctional anymore? Can we imagine getting on the right path as a people, as a family, as a nation?

I like to imagine it, but that's not what is. Instead we are burdened with this intergenerational intersocial, collective guilt. Because we turned our back on the Only G-d and HIS truth. We sought our own interests only. G-d have mercy on us.

G-d is telling us, up front and center, that if you do not love Him and keep His law, you are not the only one who will suffer. Your kids will suffer. Their kids will suffer. Their kids kids will suffer. This is not through the special vindictiveness of G-d. It is inherent in the nature of things. Evil, in the Tanakh, is a contagion that permeates a whole society like a disease. It is communicable. Evil is like a virus. You will suffer, your kids will suffer, ultimately the whole world will suffer and grow darker and darker.

There is one and only one way to heal from this mortal wound. Turn to G-d with your whole heart and strive to keep His law. That is the one and only one way.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Architecture of the End

Written in the middle of a 3 day Facebook bän, so I am writing it here for later posting there.

I am using character replacement so that computer algorithms won't easily be able to use what I write to bän me or target me for scrûtiny. Hopefully this blog entry will be up and not messed with for a long time.

Here are the clear signs of how the world ends. I do not know if this means it is ending now or if it is irreversible now, I just know that these are the signs.

1. A group takes power that believes in bäby mûrder, glorifying përversion, häting G-d, and glorifying the power of the human State. Stateolatry. Since they view humans as basically glorified lab rats, they will use lab-rat like controls on us: controlling what is in the mëdia, on TV, on the ïnternet. Using peer pressure. Silencing opposing voices. They deny the Spirit of G-d and so they deny that any other influences are acting besides prõpaganda and counter-prõpaganda. The cõunter-prõpaganda is silenced.

2. The gõdless for whom the State is god, will go along with them. The mäjority will have reservations, but lacking fäith they will not resist.

3. The State, the synthetic god, will need hard control. It has been using soft control up until now, this has had unforeseen complications. Many people are wäking up. We are developing äntibodies as it were to this invasion of our minds. So they are going to bypass our minds. The next step is hard control. Øbey or get a knock on your door or a jäckboot on your neck. Or ultimately, just dëad.

We are currently seeing the test bed for that hard control in Australia. They are scientifically minded in a false sense, sciënceolatry, so they will want to experiment first. Based on experimental results, they will decide whether to progress to the next stage. Australia, NZ, the UK and Canada are their experimental testing grounds. First they took away their gûns so they cannot resist. Then they used the ¢ovïd to justify lõckdõwns and penalize resistance to ɣ䢢ïnätion. The point is not the ɣ䢢ïne, though it is very nasty stuff and the technology to make it was created using the stõlen flesh of mûrdered bäbies. Ëvil by design. But the point is control: THEIR control over YOUR body.

It is not "my bõdy my choice" when it comes to THEM.

4. The ¢ovïd ɣ䢢ïne is not the Mark spoken of in Revelation. The Mark is common sense by the way, I am not deferring to the authority of the New Testament which I do not generally take as scripture. The Tanakh alone is scripture. I am in fact deferring to logic. The dominion of Evïl requires control: the Mark is control. They have been using soft control up until now: that is insufficient. The Dëvil's whole plan is control in fact. Submïssion to him.

The ¢ovïd ɣ䢢ïne is TRAINING for the Mark. They will run their experiments to see how far they can push the regïme of control in Australia, NZ, the UK and Canada. Pretty far, as it happens.

5. Gûn$ in America are still a big problem. They will need comprehensive ĝûn control and then gûñ cõnfiscation in order for their next plans to work well. If they fail, they will begin to destroy America. Whatever economic, social, mïlitary or other devästation they can throw at us. They won't have a choice: without gûn confiscation the next phase cannot go forward in America.

6. They will then design a new more dëadly ɣïrû$, or one that they can manipulate the reporting on to make it look much more dëadly. It's not that they are afraid of a high bõdy count, they're not, as long as it isn't THEM. For the gõdless their own lives and survival are all that matter, so they won't want something that can kïll THEM. Maybe they will design a ɣ䢢ïne first and give it to all the elites first before they release it.

The new ɣïrû$ will allow them to release a new mandate: get ɣ䢢ïnäted or die. They will release a new cõntact träcing mechanism, something implanted in your skin that can record and upload everywhere you go, everyone you come in contact with, everything you buy or sell, and everything you do. You will not be able to buy or sell without it. If you do not get it, they will kill you in the name of pûblic såfety. They will be able to do so, because by then no one will own ĝûn$ (or very few.)

THIS is the Mark.

This is how the total dõminïõn of ëvil happens. When it is no longer possible to be born free, then comes the end because the Earth will no longer serve a useful purpose. According to many Jëws, the continued existence of the planet is for the sake of the Tzaddikim, the few rïghteous ones, for whose sake G-d does not destrõy the world. A world no longer capable of allowing Tzaddikim to exist is a world that no longer serves its purpose, and will be dëstrõyed.