Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Stephen Brace - Wikimedia Commons

 I know that American society is going down a hole. That lies are normalized, pornography is normalized, deviancy is normalized and much more than that, lauded. That people are drugged and fed fast food and weakened and fragmented and polarized and demoralized to the point where they cannot put up any organized resistance to anything. So that the very worst in human nature can assume the throne. Because someone will sit upon the throne, and if it is not the Lord of Glory, it will be a demon.We are living in a way which will inevitably lead us down a similar road to the road the Germans traveled in the 1930's. I just pray that I won't be alive when hell truly opens its mouth wide for the United States.

Censorship is normalized. Hell, the idea that the government itself would get involved would have been unthinkable until the 21st Century: quite probably the government WAS involved before then, but we would have scarcely believed it. This is America after all, land of the First Amendment. And if it is bad in the US, it's even worse in other parts of the West. In Scotland, you can get ticketed and fined for humor. For comedy. People have already been fined for it. Canada is rapidly devolving into a totalitarian tyranny: who would have ever thought THAT, huh? Canada? The sane neighbor? Not so much anymore. Much the same conditions exist elsewhere in Europe and Oceania and the more Western parts of Asia. Apparently from what I have heard, public masturbation on subway trains is normal in Japan now. The West has gone sick.

And I know a better way than that (heck a moron of 40 years ago would have known a better way than that,) and I am powerless to do anything about it.

So I focus on my art and making sure my cat and myself are fed and happy, and that my little wild kingdom here is harmonious. Because I don't have any power over anything else.

Once upon a time, I used to ponder about whether or not I should "do something" about abortion clinics. Something involving inflammable materials. Now it is true that this would likely result in a prison sentence, and this would be very bad for me, but what would be worse is that it would in the long run ACCOMPLISH NOTHING. This people is not ready to turn their hearts, and won't be for a long time if ever. So maybe a handful of babies are saved, or not, but the actual serpent responsible would remain alive and well and living in hearts and minds in the USA. "Terrorism" (HA!) against the murder factories would feel good for a bit as a brave gesture against evil, but as long as a slight majority feels that baby murder is not only okay but their RIGHT, it wouldn't accomplish anything. You are just one little man, and the zeitgeist is against you.

So do what you can do. Be a hermit. Withdraw from an insane world. Get as far away from cities as possible. Hate evil, love G-d. Grow vegetables and look after your cat and create your art. Nobody elected you President of Crazy Town.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Theocracy is Love

Marshall Dillon may try to be an upright man, but he is functionally a servant of the sin industry.

I am not talking here about a human organization. A human theocracy, like a human democracy, like a human dictatorship, like a human everything else - is a flawed power structure that invites people to commit sins of pride.

I am talking about a real theocracy. A society where the Ten Commandments are considered to be the highest law of the land and human law subservient underneath it but still observed. I don't want priests, pastors or prophets to rule us. I want G-d to.

This land descends more and more into misery as it accommodates sin more and more. President He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named-but-begins-with-B publicly mourned the suicide death of a girl self-named Nex, a mentally ill "non-binary" girl. He did not mourn the vicious beating attack of Kaylee Gain, who is still in a coma. He did not mourn the hundreds of thousands who die of fentanyl in this country every year. His grief is very selective, and serves to promote a political agenda of deviance.

THERE WILL BE NO IMPROVEMENT until people accept the LAW OF G-D not human accommodation to sin. Sin not only destroys souls, it kills people. IF YOU LOVE ONE ANOTHER, if you love the planet itself, you will all accept G-d's law, because that will save your souls and your bodies.

I have been watching a lot of the old TV show "Gunsmoke" lately, and it's a great show, and it's also troubling. Here is Marshall Dillon, purportedly a paragon of justice and no doubt he personally seems like a great guy. He is functionally also a lackey of the sin industry.The historical Dodge City, like the one in the show, made its living off vice. Drunkenness, prostitution, gambling, lewd shows, and in the real Dodge City even more wickedness than the sanitized TV version. Dodge wouldn't exist without it. And yet Dillon in many of these episodes starts out the episode walking Boot Hill, the local cemetery, pondering on death.

Well WHY THE FRACK do you imagine there are so many dead bodies in Boot Hill, dumbass? Do you ever question the reality that, no matter how noble you may personally be, you live in service to human degradation? You ever question that, huh? A bouncer who keeps order in a whorehouse is not being virtuous. He's being a participant in the whorehouse industry.

And it's very hard NOT to be a participant in some version of the whorehouse industry these days. I am retired, but I truly feel pity for those who are not these days. While I never ran a whorehouse, I did some morally questionable work in my day. Many of those things would not even raise an eyebrow among most people, but that's irrelevant.

But as rotten as it is to promote sin for money or act in a supporting role for the sin industry like Marshal Dillon, and it is pretty rotten, what is even worse is to promote it for free. To promote it because you love it.

SIN IS DEATH. Sin will destroy your soul, but also your body. Anyone who promotes sin, in truth hates your very being and wants it dead.

The political philosopher and father of the Neocons, Leo Strauss, loved Gunsmoke, which makes me think he had no moral center. For him Dillon was the paragon of justice, albeit of a quick and dirty kind. Justice? In service to an industry of human degradation? That is no justice. Justice would be to let Dodge collapse of its own weight in sin. Dillon as a character seems like a righteous guy, but he is still a servant to a city that would dry up and blow away without the vice industry.

And well, America today makes the TV Dodge at least (the real Dodge was another matter) look pretty tame. Dodge promoted socially acceptable forms of sin at the time. There were at least boundaries. You could drink yourself to death or gamble away all the milk money for your children or catch syphilis from a ho which will slowly rot your brain and body, but if you are a man walking down Front Street in a dress, you are gonna lose some teeth. I am not saying that having limits to sin makes anything right, clearly from what I have already said drinking yourself to death or getting syphilis or gambling away your children's milk money is a very evil thing. But evil had guard rails of some kind, and now it does not. It is still evil though, either way.

I do not know how many ways I can keep saying the same thing. Get down on your knees in tears, confess all your sins to G-d, and resolve to do your very best to keep the Commandments and not sin anymore. Do not obey human kings or human ways, obey the only One who should be and has the right to be King.

True theocracy is G-d as King. And that theocracy is truly love.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Something Awful

 Something truly awful is about to happen. I can feel it. I have been right about such things before.

My initial reaction was, they are gonna *ss*ss*n*te Trump, and they may well do. You don't need to see much of the future to think that's a likely outcome.

The problem is, I am not at all convinced that that's actually it, that it is not something much much worse.

Nobody would be happier than I to be proved the fool: indeed all men are fools so I am in good company. But when it's like this, I am not usually wrong. Something bad is coming. I pray to heaven above that I am just a dumb old fool who sees things that aren't there. Please G-d let it be that.

Because the alternative, that I'm right, means something really awful is coming.

Hell's mouth opens, sucking in all that it may.