Monday, June 22, 2020

The Problem of Evil

The classical "Problem of Evil" is, if G-d is omnipotent why does he allow evil? Or to bring it down to a concrete level, the "Problem of Suffering." Why does he allow stuff like kids with brain cancer? Surely they didn't deserve such great suffering. The problem of evil and the problem of suffering are connected, because if something causes zero suffering or harm to anything at any time, it's probably not evil. We might want to broaden our sense of what qualifies as "harm," but that's a good rough guide.

I actually don't find that question as interesting as some other related questions which I will get to in a moment. The reason why I don't find the "Problem of Evil" that problematic is, suffering is temporary and relative. Even though, it may not seem temporary and relative at the time.

Watch a 5-year-old fall and skin his knee. Unless the child in question is extraordinarily disciplined, he may well scream like harpies were tearing him limb from limb. To him, the injury truly is awful, the subjective experience of it is awful, even though the objective damage is minimal. Spending 2 years dying of cancer of the anus or something might indeed feel like eternal torture, but it actually isn't. It ends. And after it ends, nobody is experiencing it anymore so it doesn't exist. Ephemeral suffering, ephemeral evil, sucks at the time. It may suck so much that it monopolizes 100% of your attention at the time, but it isn't actually that important. Sure, we all want to minimize it everywhere we can, because it really does suck badly at the time it is happening.

Suppose they invented a form of VR headset that was whole-body, whole-senses. So for instance if you loaded a simulation of a Civil War battle, you would feel the breeze on your cheek. You would smell the decaying corpses. You would hear the bullets whiz by your head. You could talk to your compatriots and see the sweat beading up on their foreheads and the look of terror on their faces. When shot, when dying, that is exactly what you would feel. You've got a hole in your chest you could stick your thumb through, and you're dying. But you unplug from that rather traumatic VR system and look at yourself, you are whole and unharmed in an air conditioned room somewhere. No harm is done. It's awful at the time, but transitory. Just as worldly pleasures are also transitory.

The problem with saying "Good and Evil" is that it does sound a bit like you are saying "Happiness and Suffering," whereas in a Judeo-Christian context, "Good" is obedience to G-d which might in fact cause suffering. This is a fact that is little-appreciated, that doing good can hurt. While "Good" is not unconnected with well-being and "Evil" not unconnected with degeneration and suffering, you might indeed do a "Good" act that causes suffering or even death. If you see someone shooting up a shopping mall and the only way you can realistically stop them is to shoot them, that act is good even though the pain and death of the shooter is very real and terrible to him. If someone gets bit by a bat and the only way to keep them from getting rabies is a series of painful injections, giving them the injections is good even though it's agonizing.

The meta-level, the cosmological level, of the "Problem of Evil" is this: if you assume that the world is a battleground between good and evil or obedience and disobedience to be more precise, why is that the case? Why is THAT the lesson we are supposed to be learning here?

If our experience of suffering and evil is transitory anyway, why wouldn't it be a battle between, lets say, vanilla and chocolate ice cream? That would be a much more genial and flavorful battle, if we need a battle. And the usual arguments for why good and evil are significant and vanilla and chocolate are not, are worldly arguments. Because evil causes pain and good heals. Ice cream is just ice cream. But if both pain and healing are transitory, why does it matter?

When we are all dead and this world is a cold cinder in space, why is the fact that it was a battle between obedience and disobedience important? All the harm done is long dead and buried. All the healing is too. So why is THIS the lesson we are supposed to learn in the cosmic school right now?

Every animal on this planet had to evolve to be selfish. To look after its own survival and its own genes, it's blood, it's kin. It is guided by its body and its senses to do so, to please its senses. This is the need for selfishness, for tunnel-vision focused on oneself and one's own body. So if you are an animal on this planet, that's what you need to learn. I have raccoons that come up to the outside of my window to eat bugs, moths and such, attracted by the lights inside the house. That raccoon does not spare a single thought for the bug. The bug does not spare a single thought for the plant that it sucks juices from. The plant, if it could think, does not spare a single thought for the plant that is being overshadowed and starved of sun by its leaves. While plants and animals may be incapable of evil as we understand it, they can most definitely cause harm.

Humans also need to know how to be selfish in this way, how to survive. But if that is all a human being learns in the time it is here, he or she is a failed human being. To live solely in this way is evil. It is both harmful and disobedient.

Why is it that the first lessons that G-d teaches man involve self-denial and pain? Don't eat the Apple, that is self-denial. The Apple looks good to eat, juicy and delicious in fact, but you must not. Why? Because it's not yours. Because G-d commanded it, and G-d decides what is yours and not-yours.

Now there were two named trees in the Garden: the other one was the Tree of Life. Note that they did not pick that one to eat from first. Why? I can surmise: the fruit of the Tree of Life looks ugly. Looks not delicious. Smells bad. To choose that fruit would have been to embrace self-denial, to disregard the senses. They were like animals, they weren't capable. You could say that Good, or rather Obedience, is like that fruit. Appears bad to the senses sometimes, but is good.

Circumcision. Abraham must have given G-d a look like, "You want me to do what now???" To Abraham, like most men, I am sure his John Thomas was the apple of his eye.

"You Want Me To CUT it???"

And then G-d asked a worse thing. Your favorite being in the whole world, someone you would die a thousand times to protect. Your son. You must take him up on that mountain and kill him. 

If Abraham had been a normal man, with the same degree of love for his son that Abraham had, there would have been no problem. He would have just said "HELL NO ARE YOU CRAZY?" But Abraham was a special man: he was willing. Had G-d not stopped him, he would have killed his son. THAT willingness, is what G-d wanted, not the actual death of Isaac.

Now why does G-d want to teach us self-denial, resistance to the senses, sacrifice, pain? This is because our natural power of selfishness is so strong. And without overcoming it in the name of G-d's will, in the name of a higher good, we can never escape the black box of our selfishness, our inherent solipsism. We cannot be expanded to care for all persons and all things.

What does G-d want from us, ultimately? For us to be helpers, participants, in Creation. Not because He needs our help, obviously, or the universe wouldn't have been created to begin with. But G-d loves company. In Genesis, He speaks of "we" did such and such. "We" is him and the host of heaven, angels. At one and the same time you could say that He doesn't technically need us (or the angels) but in some sense we complete Him.

G-d Loves.

But we cannot be turned into such a being as would be worthy to care for all Creation if we cannot escape the narrow box of selfishness. If our minds and hearts cannot be expanded that far. THAT is why the battle between obedience and disobedience is happening and why obedience is the thing we are supposed to be learning. The battle between obedience and disobedience, good and evil, is a necessary consequence of a world in which we exist as beings whose job is to overcome ourselves.

Would you want a selfish self-centered being to have the power of an angel? I wouldn't.

Sunday, June 14, 2020


Though I had eyes, I did not see
Though I had ears, they did not hear
Though I had a heart, it did not care
Though I had emotions, they were put to no good use.
Though I had a mind, it could see no purpose.
Though I breathed, and my heart did beat and my brain had waves, I did not live.

Then I saw, and heard, and felt, and cared aright; that I might LIVE aright.

I did not make me see. How can the blind from birth describe sight to you? How can those deaf from birth describe hearing to you?

No man can approach G-d in His holiness. The Lord of all Universes? How do you approach G-d? Who would ever dare?

No, HE approaches us. He reaches down from heaven and says, "You there, child of man...


Who can ever judge the beloved of the One almighty G-d? He judges himself, G-d judges him, but not the judgments of men.

And having eyes, I can see my condition
And having ears, I can hear the hard truth
And having a heart, I can weep
And having emotions, I can praise the One G-d
And having mind, I have purpose
And even when the day comes when I breathe not and my brain has no waves, yet I hope to live.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


I am always of two minds when it comes to any form of evangelism. These two points of view are:

1. It's futile. Talking to this people is like talking to a wall - not of brick, but of like steel-reinforced depleted uranium. Brick might crumble in time, the minds and hearts of this people will not.

2. I probably should do it anyway.

However, 1. is not really a valid reason, even though I think it is absolutely true. Service to my fellow man might compel me to evangelize even if it genuinely IS futile. But more importantly, service to G-d calls for it.

So I am putting together a pamphlet to distribute, but I won't be doing that just yet. For cost sake, I need to get a laser printer and I honestly have too much to do right now with getting ready for the move. Once I move though, I am going to print these out and distribute them. The text below preserves the original formatting but in one continuous strip of text rather than a multipage pamphlet.



America has gone horribly wrong. Surely you can see
that. A new religion is being born these days, a new and
terrible and pagan religion, one without G-d.

I do not care if you are Christian, Jewish or Muslim.
All claim to worship the G-d of Sinai and all three
faiths have gone very wrong in their own ways. None
truly represent the Lord, though some of their members
may do so. I am not here to pick a fight with anyone
who claims YHWH the G-d of Sinai as their Lord.

What I am here to tell you is that if Americans do not
return to G-d and His law, the Ten Commandments, the
law of the Torah and the wisdom of the Tanakh (what
Christians call the ‘Old Testament,’) America cannot
be saved. America is facing the consequences of
violating G-d’s Laws, which are as much laws of
Nature as gravity. You do not blame gravity if you
drop a hammer on your foot. You did that. G-d’s
judgement, which is upon America, is simply the
inevitable consequence of violating His Laws.

The Ten Commandments are the most central part
of G-d’s Law, though not all of it. Still, if you
simply obey the Ten Commandments and love G-d
and respect the rights of your neighbor, you will do
well for yourself. Let us look at the Ten Commandments:

1. I am the Lord Your G-d. You shall have no other
gods besides Me.

Suppose you are a child and your father gives you a
bicycle. Should you thank the bicycle? Should you
thank some imaginary deity of bicycles? No, you
should thank your father.

And it is not for His benefit that you should thank
the Father of all things. What does G-d lack, that
He needs anything? No, it is for YOUR benefit that
you should do it. If you thank some other deity, or
blind random chance, for the fact that you live and
have good things and a beautiful world, you are lying
to yourself and robbing yourself of a relationship
with G-d. It brings meaning and purpose into your
life that you should thank the Lord of All for your
existence. Perhaps you may think, “well my
existence isn’t worth much.” You think that
because you are godless. A person with a reason
to live, who has faith and hope, can endure a lot.

2. You will not represent the Lord your G-d as
being like anything on the Earth or in the skies
or seas. Do not bow down to any such thing.

This one is a sleeper, it looks like a commandment
against graven images, which it is, but it is more
than that. In essence, we do not get to define G-d
in our own image or the image of anything else.
G-d defines us in His image. He is the painter, WE
are the painting. This is also true of any other
creature on Earth. We do not define the existence
of a rabbit, or a deer, or a microbe. G-d does.

This is why G-d’s Laws for human beings are clear,
while G-d himself is transcendental and beyond
definition. Remember the Burning Bush? Moses
asked for a name, trying to pigeonhole G-d. G-d
simply replied, I AM.

This, I AM, is deeper than any other religion is or
could ever be. I AM is the potter, YOU are the clay.

3. You will not take the name of the Lord your
G-d in vain.

This simply means, don’t misrepresent G-d. Do
not swear by G-d to something that is false. Do not
preach perverted doctrine, which every church mosque
and synagogue in America does preach. Christians
preach that a man was G-d, which violates the 2nd
Commandment. Synagogues regard the words of men
(the Talmud) as equal to the Word of G-d. Mosques
preach that a man was a prophet when he was not, and
that G-d dictated to him some other word than that word
which is contained in the Torah.

4. Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.

Do you remember when Jesus redefined the Sabbath to
be some other day than Saturday? Neither do I, because
it never happened. Post-pagan Roman and Greek
Christians said it was Sunday, or that the Lord’s Day
anyway was Sunday and the Sabbath does not matter.
Despite the TEN COMMANDMENTS clearly saying
that it does. Despite every prophet from Jeremiah to
Ezekiel saying that not keeping the Sabbath was a
great sin of their people.

The Sabbath is SATURDAY and has been for at least
3000 years. You may not understand why we are
supposed to keep it (I hope one day you will,) but
it is nevertheless a direct commandment from G-d
on Mt. Sinai that we DO keep it.

5. Honor your father and your mother.

Gosh, do I really need to explain this? I guess in this
day and age, I really do. My space in this booklet is
limited, so I won’t go much into it, but good grief
your parents expended their time and money and
energy and love and grief into you. Repay them by
honoring them.

6. Do not murder.

I suppose I need to explain this one too. That life
does not belong to you. DO NOT take it. When you
murder someone else, you are on the path to
murdering your own soul and barring a major
repentance in your life, you are doomed to Sheol
if you commit murder.

Now all killing is not murder. You can kill to defend
your innocent life (assuming you didn’t provoke
them to try to kill you,) and you can kill to protect
the innocent lives of others. Note the word
“innocent,” that means that you were not
threatening their life first.

7. Do not commit adultery.

I could have done this whole booklet on that one
commandment. First lets define what is not adultery
because that is easier. What is not adultery is having
sex with someone you are already married to.
Married meaning one woman and one man.
Everything else IS adultery. Yes, biblical figures
did often have multiple wives. G-d never said He
liked it, but it was allowed at that time.

Broken marriages and children out of wedlock and
the related sin, ABORTION,  cause grave suffering
and disruption. Human children need one father and
one mother in a committed relationship in order to
grow up mentally and socially healthy. The purpose
of sex is to have children. Raising a healthy,
good, sane and godly child to be a woman or a man
is the pinnacle of human achievement.

What do we have now? Poorly socialized and
ungodly children growing up into adults and doing
drugs alcohol crimes and sexual immorality which
leads to ABORTION, broken families, ruined lives
and suffering for the whole nation as well as
judgment from G-d upon the whole nation. 
The family is the backbone of all civilized society.

8. Do not steal.

Come on, do I have to explain this? Do you like
having your things stolen? No? Don’t do it to others.

9. Do not bear false witness.

I think the reason why G-d didn’t just say, “Do not
lie” is that humans are habitual liars and that would
have been too hard. Yes, do not lie. Lies are hateful
to G-d. But this commandment refers to swearing to
others hurt. In other words, suppose you stole 
something and blamed the theft on someone else. That
is bearing false witness. Do not lie to another’s injury.

10. Do not covet anything that belongs to your

What does covet mean? If I see that a neighbor has a
swell fishing rod and I would like one just like it, is
that coveting? No. Coveting means you desire to take
it from your neighbor.

Do not covet your neighbor’s house, land, belongings,
wife or husband, animals, vehicles or anything
which belongs to your neighbor.

As I sit here, there have been riots in which people
have smashed windows and stolen things. This
has happened because those people were never
taught not to covet, or if they were taught it never
sank in. I referred to a “new religion” arising, an
evil religion: well that religion is based among other
things on jealousy, envy and hate. You have X: I want
to take X from you because it makes me angry that
you have it and I do not. I hate you because you have
X. A man of G-d knows that his relationship with G-d
is the single most important thing in life, and
knowing G-d he will know that G-d is no respecter
of persons. G-d judges everyone impartially, and
expects us to treat everyone as we would like to be


The G-d of Sinai is ONE G-d. Hear O Israel: the
Lord your G-d, the Lord is One. And you will love
the Lord your G-d with all your heart, with all your
soul, and with all your strength, and treat your
neighbor the same as yourself.

No other person was ever G-d, nor are there any
other prophets known besides the prophets who
wrote in the Tanakh, what Christians call the
Old Testament. Nor is the writing of any other
man equal to the commandments of G-d in the
Torah. There is no Trinity. Without obedience to
the only true G-d, America will be destroyed or
turned into a perverted version of itself. This
is as inevitable as gravity, as the motion of the
planets. Obey and love G-d and receive blessings,
disobey and hate G-d and receive affliction and

This ministry accepts Christians, Jews and Muslims
equally as straying children of the One G-d.

Friday, June 5, 2020

The Cleansing Power of Destruction

Not only in the Bible, but in many mythologies, there comes a time when the only way to renew the Earth and wipe away evil is through absolute destruction. In the Bible it's the Flood, the Deluge. In Norse mythology it is Ragnarök: the complete destruction and regeneration of the world. In both cases, complete destruction is followed by rebirth. While the Torah itself says nothing about an end-times destruction, the implication of the Flood is clear. G-d promised not to destroy the Earth with WATER again. He did not promise NOT to destroy the Earth. Nor did He promise that WE wouldn't destroy the Earth. Christian eschatology would become far more explicit, practically a blow-by-blow description of the destruction of the world.

In the New Testament, the focus is on forgiveness and redemption. In the Tanakh, the Old Testament, the focus is on resistance and destruction. In the New Testament, we are told not to resist an evil person, and to turn the other cheek. In the Tanakh we are told to violently oppose and destroy evil. These are reasons, among others, why I came to the conclusion that the religion of the New Testament and the religion of the Tanakh, the Old Testament, can in no way be described as the same religion, the beliefs of Christians notwithstanding. While I once embraced the teaching of the New Testament, the peace, tolerance and forgiveness in it, G-d with a human face, I equally disliked the teaching of the Old.

I compelled myself to read the Old Testament to try to resolve these contradictions, and found that the contradictions all existed in the New Testament. Man as god. Non-resistance. Violation of commandments like dietary laws and the Sabbath. These were not renovations of the Tanakh, they were flat denials of it. The Tanakh was consistent with itself, the New Testament was not consistent with it, or even sometimes with simple logic.

And I fell in love with the Commandments and the fierce clarity of the Tanakh. The Tanakh tears you, burns you. It is supposed to hurt. What it does to you is a gentler version of what the Flood did to the world. You are purified like silver in a furnace. I grew to love this fiercely and uncompromisingly holy Lord, next to whom there are no others. Neither son nor ghost. Adonai eloheinu, adonai Echad. The Lord is One.

Getting back to the topic of destruction - Armageddon as conceived in Ragnarök or as conceived as the Christian or Jewish Last Day is actually a deeply hopeful conception. Evil can be fixed, sin can be fixed, the corruption of the Earth can be fixed. Fixed drastically, horribly, but fixed. Evil doesn't get the last word. The alternative to this is a living nightmare: an eternal twilight of ignorance and evil.

Hell on Earth.

With the riots in the streets these days, with the brazen lies of the corporations through the news media, people turning on each other, hatred, this hell on Earth seems very close to me. It is easy to wish for the cleansing fire of destruction to delete, to "cancel" this world and bring a new one into being. However, the prophet Amos warns us that things will get very very bad before anything gets better:

"Woe to you who long
for the day of the Lord!
Why do you long for the day of the Lord?
That day will be darkness, not light.
It will be as though a man fled from a lion
only to meet a bear,
as though he entered his house
and rested his hand on the wall
only to have a snake bite him.

Will not the day of the Lord be darkness, not light—
pitch-dark, without a ray of brightness?"

~Amos 5:18-20

So we can deduce two things: one, that hell on Earth WILL come. At least for a season, it will come. And two, that it HAS to come is fundamentally a failure. We failed. Humanity failed. Armageddon didn't hinge on G-d's will but our action. We've got nothing to be happy about. We should hang our heads. It's gonna be BAD.

It's not dissimilar to being optimistic about death. We are not supposed to love death but LIFE. Death is a punishment or rather a correction. If atonement comes after, if the Kingdom comes after, it doesn't make the correction less of a correction or any less terrible. For every person who makes it into the Kingdom, how many won't? For the others, death is just death. We aren't supposed to be happy about death or Armageddon either one. It is because of our failure that it comes.

However one hopeful thing is, Evil doesn't win. In the end, Evil is destroyed utterly. That is one reason why I don't believe in hell. As long as there are souls in hell, Evil still exists. Eternal hell would be a slight to G-d's ultimate victory and ultimate justice. Evil is wiped from existence, completely.

In a conversation I once had a year or two ago, I said that I was not afraid that cataclysmic destruction would come to the world. I said I was afraid that it wouldn't. Because if America is not punished, if the world is not punished, G-d is not just. This would mean that eternal twilight, eternal ignorance and evil, eternal hell on Earth would come. Absolutely, with certainty, it would come. No destruction actually means no hope.

But G-d IS, and G-d IS just.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

The End

Take a wild guess how many unarmed black people were shot by cops in 2019. Just take a shot in the dark.






Of these ten, several were in the act of violently assaulting the officer in question. Ten, out of 350 MILLION PEOPLE.

Now any unnecessary death is bad, but not all these deaths were unnecessary. If someone is beating you to death, and you have a gun, you kinda have to shoot them.

NOW, how many blacks were murdered by other blacks?

I can't find statistics for 2019, but in 2015 nearly 6000 blacks were murdered by other blacks.

You won't find Black Lives Matter protesting that shit. Lying leftist scumbags.

For the sake of these statistically insignificant numbers of blacks killed by cops, we are prepared to dismantle our whole democracy. People are seriously proposing defunding police departments. Who will patrol the streets then? You guessed it: looters and thugs. Rioters are burning down buildings and police cars in the streets, and leftist politicians and media personalities are endorsing the righteousness of their violence.

This is not even remotely about oppressed black people.

What this (and the extreme examples of the coronavirus lockdown) actually is, is a left-wing coup attempt.

Now to say "left wing" is actually kind of shorthand. The people actually behind it are corporations and the very rich. Why would corporations and the very rich want what appears like a left-wing coup?

Well back in the day, when large corporations actually paid taxes, and when very rich people also paid taxes, they might have been superficially conservative. Now none of them pay shit, under Democrat OR Republican control. Their ownership in Washington was virtually complete, until Trump came along. They still mostly control Congress.

Wanna see a freakout really happen? If Trump proposes a 10% tax on sales by corporations that have more than 10 million in annual sales, expect the media and politicians to go through the fucking roof. I mean, there will be heart attacks in Washington. They may just shoot him.

The liberal actors in Hollywood, who have been egging on the riots and paying bail for vandals and probably shipping pallets of bricks to the streets, are paid by media companies who finance their movies. The mainstream media is owned by media companies, sometimes the same ones. Mainstream media that wouldn't know truthful unbiased reporting if it bit them like a rattlesnake. They are the propaganda mouthpiece for the elite few dozen corporations that functionally run the world. Congress is mostly filled with their lackeys.

So why would major corporations want socialism? They really don't. Duh. What they want is control. A de-facto totalitarian state run by a corporate oligarchy. Today they get their way more often than not, but that's not good enough. They want to get their way all the time. They want you as their slaves. And they are prepared to steamroll right over you and right over your rights and right over the American Republic to get their way. They want their man in the Oval Office, and they will fuck over the economy and burn down our cities to get what they want. Because they control Biden. Nobody but Trump controls Trump.

So they arranged, with their lackeys in States and Cities, to really crack down on the quarantine knowing that would wreck the hell out of the economy. George Floyd was just a gift, really. He handed them Riot Time on a silver platter. And so the riots and looting, to frighten the citizens and force everyone into lockstep. Violence to enforce obedience. Otherwise, you're just a racist aren't you? You believe All Cops Are Bastards, or you're just a racist. You believe that the looting is a justified and natural outbreak of rage, or else you're a racist. Follow us -


in echo of Kaepernick, or you are evil incarnate. You are unclean. There is no choice. No other alternative, unless you want to be the outcast scum of the earth. Unless you are a racist.

I find it interesting that to a godless lot, kneeling has become the symbol. If I did not have faith in my Lord, I would find it scary.

No, I will NEVER kneel to you. Satan.

And this is absolutely the power of Satan behind it all. Satan hates what America was supposed to be. Satan wants to be the only god here. Satan will be god and the State will be his prophet. You will bow down, you will kneel. Or we'll get you.

I live in an affluent area, and you would think that here if anywhere would be a conservative bastion. It's not. I have been speaking truth on Nextdoor to my neighbors. They have been apoplectic in their desire to bend over to the new social norm. Cops are bad, cops are racist, the system must be destroyed.

What they are truly saying is this: don't take my house, don't take my car, don't get me fired at my job, don't make me a social pariah and I'll say anything you want me to say. Cowards.

They are not worthy of America as it was intended to be. And so it will be taken away from them.

There are a few possible endgames here. One is that Trump wins 2020 anyway, that enough people see through the bullshit. At the end of 2019 I would have regarded Trump's re-election as virtually a certainty. Not now. The news media have really ramped up their lies. The pressure is on.

Economic pressure - you want the State to protect you when you can't find a job, don't you? You don't want to get fired at your job for your political incorrectness, do you?

Social pressure - you don't want everyone to think you are a racist, do you? You don't want to be a pariah on social media, do you?

Physical security pressure - your business might be next. Your house might be next to burn.

Ideological pressure - everything you see and hear says you need to follow this. Who are you, to doubt CNN?

Spiritual pressure - TaKe ThE kNeE. BoW dOwN tO sAtAn YoUr LoRd.

Aaaand... America's response to this so far as been underwhelming.  Everyone is drinking the kool-aid. They are selling their product. May G-d protect Tucker Carlson, he's the only person on a major network who is actually speaking the truth.

So, if Trump does not win, what then? Domination. They are going to push and push as hard as they can. Their true enemy is not black or white, it's traditional American conservatives. They are going to hit us with everything they can. And there are not enough of us, I don't think, to mount a successful resistance. It's possible that if they arrange a nationwide gun grab, or start demanding we all bow down to Beelzebub instead of going to church, that American conservatives are going to mount an armed resistance. The coming months and years are really going to shake out the men from the boys, and I am not sure we have enough men to keep our freedom. Who knows - may G-d grant us heroes.

So this may well be the end of America as we have known it. OR we may be laughing in January 2021 saying, well, they sucked at winning again. But right now is the pivot.

If Trump wins, then 2024 will more likely be the pivot but expect unholy hell to break out in the meantime. They may just attempt a flat-out physical violent coup.

We live in interesting times, boys and girls. ;) Now is the time for G-d's own to be separated from the chaff. If you bend the knee to Satan, if you allow fear to dominate your actions, you're done.