Thursday, June 11, 2020


I am always of two minds when it comes to any form of evangelism. These two points of view are:

1. It's futile. Talking to this people is like talking to a wall - not of brick, but of like steel-reinforced depleted uranium. Brick might crumble in time, the minds and hearts of this people will not.

2. I probably should do it anyway.

However, 1. is not really a valid reason, even though I think it is absolutely true. Service to my fellow man might compel me to evangelize even if it genuinely IS futile. But more importantly, service to G-d calls for it.

So I am putting together a pamphlet to distribute, but I won't be doing that just yet. For cost sake, I need to get a laser printer and I honestly have too much to do right now with getting ready for the move. Once I move though, I am going to print these out and distribute them. The text below preserves the original formatting but in one continuous strip of text rather than a multipage pamphlet.



America has gone horribly wrong. Surely you can see
that. A new religion is being born these days, a new and
terrible and pagan religion, one without G-d.

I do not care if you are Christian, Jewish or Muslim.
All claim to worship the G-d of Sinai and all three
faiths have gone very wrong in their own ways. None
truly represent the Lord, though some of their members
may do so. I am not here to pick a fight with anyone
who claims YHWH the G-d of Sinai as their Lord.

What I am here to tell you is that if Americans do not
return to G-d and His law, the Ten Commandments, the
law of the Torah and the wisdom of the Tanakh (what
Christians call the ‘Old Testament,’) America cannot
be saved. America is facing the consequences of
violating G-d’s Laws, which are as much laws of
Nature as gravity. You do not blame gravity if you
drop a hammer on your foot. You did that. G-d’s
judgement, which is upon America, is simply the
inevitable consequence of violating His Laws.

The Ten Commandments are the most central part
of G-d’s Law, though not all of it. Still, if you
simply obey the Ten Commandments and love G-d
and respect the rights of your neighbor, you will do
well for yourself. Let us look at the Ten Commandments:

1. I am the Lord Your G-d. You shall have no other
gods besides Me.

Suppose you are a child and your father gives you a
bicycle. Should you thank the bicycle? Should you
thank some imaginary deity of bicycles? No, you
should thank your father.

And it is not for His benefit that you should thank
the Father of all things. What does G-d lack, that
He needs anything? No, it is for YOUR benefit that
you should do it. If you thank some other deity, or
blind random chance, for the fact that you live and
have good things and a beautiful world, you are lying
to yourself and robbing yourself of a relationship
with G-d. It brings meaning and purpose into your
life that you should thank the Lord of All for your
existence. Perhaps you may think, “well my
existence isn’t worth much.” You think that
because you are godless. A person with a reason
to live, who has faith and hope, can endure a lot.

2. You will not represent the Lord your G-d as
being like anything on the Earth or in the skies
or seas. Do not bow down to any such thing.

This one is a sleeper, it looks like a commandment
against graven images, which it is, but it is more
than that. In essence, we do not get to define G-d
in our own image or the image of anything else.
G-d defines us in His image. He is the painter, WE
are the painting. This is also true of any other
creature on Earth. We do not define the existence
of a rabbit, or a deer, or a microbe. G-d does.

This is why G-d’s Laws for human beings are clear,
while G-d himself is transcendental and beyond
definition. Remember the Burning Bush? Moses
asked for a name, trying to pigeonhole G-d. G-d
simply replied, I AM.

This, I AM, is deeper than any other religion is or
could ever be. I AM is the potter, YOU are the clay.

3. You will not take the name of the Lord your
G-d in vain.

This simply means, don’t misrepresent G-d. Do
not swear by G-d to something that is false. Do not
preach perverted doctrine, which every church mosque
and synagogue in America does preach. Christians
preach that a man was G-d, which violates the 2nd
Commandment. Synagogues regard the words of men
(the Talmud) as equal to the Word of G-d. Mosques
preach that a man was a prophet when he was not, and
that G-d dictated to him some other word than that word
which is contained in the Torah.

4. Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.

Do you remember when Jesus redefined the Sabbath to
be some other day than Saturday? Neither do I, because
it never happened. Post-pagan Roman and Greek
Christians said it was Sunday, or that the Lord’s Day
anyway was Sunday and the Sabbath does not matter.
Despite the TEN COMMANDMENTS clearly saying
that it does. Despite every prophet from Jeremiah to
Ezekiel saying that not keeping the Sabbath was a
great sin of their people.

The Sabbath is SATURDAY and has been for at least
3000 years. You may not understand why we are
supposed to keep it (I hope one day you will,) but
it is nevertheless a direct commandment from G-d
on Mt. Sinai that we DO keep it.

5. Honor your father and your mother.

Gosh, do I really need to explain this? I guess in this
day and age, I really do. My space in this booklet is
limited, so I won’t go much into it, but good grief
your parents expended their time and money and
energy and love and grief into you. Repay them by
honoring them.

6. Do not murder.

I suppose I need to explain this one too. That life
does not belong to you. DO NOT take it. When you
murder someone else, you are on the path to
murdering your own soul and barring a major
repentance in your life, you are doomed to Sheol
if you commit murder.

Now all killing is not murder. You can kill to defend
your innocent life (assuming you didn’t provoke
them to try to kill you,) and you can kill to protect
the innocent lives of others. Note the word
“innocent,” that means that you were not
threatening their life first.

7. Do not commit adultery.

I could have done this whole booklet on that one
commandment. First lets define what is not adultery
because that is easier. What is not adultery is having
sex with someone you are already married to.
Married meaning one woman and one man.
Everything else IS adultery. Yes, biblical figures
did often have multiple wives. G-d never said He
liked it, but it was allowed at that time.

Broken marriages and children out of wedlock and
the related sin, ABORTION,  cause grave suffering
and disruption. Human children need one father and
one mother in a committed relationship in order to
grow up mentally and socially healthy. The purpose
of sex is to have children. Raising a healthy,
good, sane and godly child to be a woman or a man
is the pinnacle of human achievement.

What do we have now? Poorly socialized and
ungodly children growing up into adults and doing
drugs alcohol crimes and sexual immorality which
leads to ABORTION, broken families, ruined lives
and suffering for the whole nation as well as
judgment from G-d upon the whole nation. 
The family is the backbone of all civilized society.

8. Do not steal.

Come on, do I have to explain this? Do you like
having your things stolen? No? Don’t do it to others.

9. Do not bear false witness.

I think the reason why G-d didn’t just say, “Do not
lie” is that humans are habitual liars and that would
have been too hard. Yes, do not lie. Lies are hateful
to G-d. But this commandment refers to swearing to
others hurt. In other words, suppose you stole 
something and blamed the theft on someone else. That
is bearing false witness. Do not lie to another’s injury.

10. Do not covet anything that belongs to your

What does covet mean? If I see that a neighbor has a
swell fishing rod and I would like one just like it, is
that coveting? No. Coveting means you desire to take
it from your neighbor.

Do not covet your neighbor’s house, land, belongings,
wife or husband, animals, vehicles or anything
which belongs to your neighbor.

As I sit here, there have been riots in which people
have smashed windows and stolen things. This
has happened because those people were never
taught not to covet, or if they were taught it never
sank in. I referred to a “new religion” arising, an
evil religion: well that religion is based among other
things on jealousy, envy and hate. You have X: I want
to take X from you because it makes me angry that
you have it and I do not. I hate you because you have
X. A man of G-d knows that his relationship with G-d
is the single most important thing in life, and
knowing G-d he will know that G-d is no respecter
of persons. G-d judges everyone impartially, and
expects us to treat everyone as we would like to be


The G-d of Sinai is ONE G-d. Hear O Israel: the
Lord your G-d, the Lord is One. And you will love
the Lord your G-d with all your heart, with all your
soul, and with all your strength, and treat your
neighbor the same as yourself.

No other person was ever G-d, nor are there any
other prophets known besides the prophets who
wrote in the Tanakh, what Christians call the
Old Testament. Nor is the writing of any other
man equal to the commandments of G-d in the
Torah. There is no Trinity. Without obedience to
the only true G-d, America will be destroyed or
turned into a perverted version of itself. This
is as inevitable as gravity, as the motion of the
planets. Obey and love G-d and receive blessings,
disobey and hate G-d and receive affliction and

This ministry accepts Christians, Jews and Muslims
equally as straying children of the One G-d.

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