Saturday, December 26, 2020

You Can't Kill Wickedness With A Bullet

 Perhaps this should have been entitled, "you can't kill wickedness with a bullet ALONE." ;) My random bible passage on this Sabbath was from Joshua, where the Israelites kick everyone's ass in Canaan and they finally have peace. So, clearly, war was necessary if they were going to inherit the land as G-d had promised. But the Israelites were, for the moment, a united people led by G-d when this happened.

No doubt fighting is sometimes useful and necessary, but if you don't uproot the causes of having to go to that unpleasant extreme you have achieved little. Imagine if in WWII America had a significant minority of Nazis. Well, beating the Nazis in Germany would amount to little if we had a growing cancer in our own country. Beating Germany wouldn't finish the fight in that case.

And we DO have a cancer in this country. The cancer of godlessness and secularism and the deification of the State. And we may have to fight that one day, too.

But at present, for the moment, this is a time for spiritual warfare. Both within ourselves and outside ourselves. The wheat is being separated from the chaff at this moment. Be prepared, rededicate yourselves. Be very careful that you are not parted with the chaff at this critical moment.

There is a movement in this State of Texas for a referendum on secession. I don't oppose that, I probably would vote in favor of it, but what do people really think that is going to accomplish even if Texas is able to secede? Texas is home to two moderately-sized cities and three giant cities. The same forces that made New York and Los Angeles wicked cities, will make Dallas and Houston and San Antonio and El Paso the same over time. Austin is already a mini- Los Angeles in terms of its moral decay. Just as the battle against evil will not be solved with bullets alone, it won't be solved with ballots alone either. Texas, left to its own devices, will inevitably shift in the same direction as California.

And you hear more radical conservatives all the time say, it may come to a little 1776 style revolutionary war to restore America. Unless people are spiritually prepared, such an attitude will inevitably lead to destruction. What are we restoring America TO? Status Quo Ante say 1950? Or 1800 (in some ways that would be more appropriate in terms of upholding State's rights - they were already long eroded by 1950.)


The seeds of 2020,  were sown in 1776.

While the generation of the Founders may indeed have been more religious than is the norm today, they liked their license and libertinism. The freedom to get down with their funky selves was highly valued by the Founders. Franklin was notorious on two continents. Jefferson banged his slaves. Washington threw wild and extravagant parties. For the most part, deeply devout they were not.

Such license will inevitably lead to moral slavery and moral decay. If the America we are defending is merely the America of "do your own thing," that America is doomed anyway.

Now I am as full of patriotism and warm feelings for America as the next guy, maybe more than most. But America is not my G-d. G-d is my G-d.

If we do not found our revolution on the teachings of the G-d of Sinai, the G-d of Abraham, we will inevitably fail. Even if we win today, it will only be to repeat the same war tomorrow. If we have to fight a war with the commies, if we make it a political war we will lose. I believe G-d will not fight alongside us.

We must fight for G-d first. Not second.

Not "Country and G-d." JUST G-D.

And if we imagine that Americans as they now are, are prepared to be holy warriors for G-d, I think we would be sorely mistaken. The average American, including the average weekend soldier, is spiritually weak. I think we'll have to see way more tribulation before a people will rise up who are prepared to be warriors in the mold of Joshua. Much as I hate to say it, the wicked will triumph for a long time before the furnace of adversity finally molds such men. America is being judged. We are going to have to endure a lot of judgement before a remnant is ready to retake this land.

The proper focus at this moment, is us and those around us. Our spiritual dedication. Our spiritual purity. The fierceness of the fire within us, not the fire of liberty but the fire of service to Almighty G-d.

G-d and Americaolatry cannot coexist. The latter must be discarded, the former embraced. Not political war, not culture war, but holy war. Holy War is an unpopular concept even among conservatives, but it is precisely what is involved. This is not merely a political disagreement we are having in America right now. This is a spiritual war.

And unless you acknowledge it and fight it as a spiritual war, get yourself right with G-d, put the focus where it belongs, our tribulations will be long and terrible.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How to Insulate Yourself from an Insane Government

 I normally address more spiritual matters on this blog. Not generally practical ones. The things I am talking about in this post actually are matters with spiritual ramifications, but aimed in a more practical direction.

I want to speak of the MOST important matter first. The most important thing is that if you truly love G-d and keep His Commandments, you are in His hand and all good things which you receive are FROM His hand. I do not prepare for adversity from lack of faith, but from partnering with G-d to prepare for things that through His Spirit I know are ahead. Like how Joseph told the Pharaoh to stockpile food in the 7 good years leading up to the 7 years of famine: he did not do so from lack of faith but through faithfulness and obedience to do what G-d told him.

Now, our government and large parts of our country are just crazy. And wicked. And they are likely to be getting more so in 2021. So these are some matters to bring to your attention.


INFLATION: When the government is spending and cutting themselves big deals and paychecks without regard to any responsibility, there is a significant risk of devaluing the currency. The good news is, perhaps foolishly, the US Dollar is still the go-to currency in other countries in unsettled times, and demand for the Dollar is high. We should not think that this will go on forever, if the government continues to act recklessly.

There is no guaranteed hedge against inflation, when you are in the position of hedging against inflation you are already in a losing scenario and just trying to control your loss. Gold is very high right now, and also remember that gold is valueless in itself. You can't eat it, drink it, heal yourself with it or shoot it.

One of the best hedges against inflation is, if you think you will NEED something in the future, like within the next year, or that you want something that will be extremely useful to you, go ahead and buy it now while your money is worth something. Now I am normally the last person to advise spending sprees, but we are talking about things that you regard as either essential or nearly so, things that will save you time energy or trouble, or things that WILL do so in the future.

It is not guaranteed that inflation is going to be a huge problem, since like I said people around the world seem to be eager to buy the Dollar. So just be watchful, be thinking about it, but don't throw all your money into hedges yet.

INSANE LAWS: There is one best protection against insane laws, which is location. They can simply do more to you and have more helpers against you if you live in a city, or live under the influence of a city (in a county dominated by one or more.) We see that in New York, where the governor and mayor can issue draconian decrees that might not fly on a federal level. Yes it also helps to be in a conservative State even if you are in a city, but cities tend towards wickedness.

Also, while I normally have high respect for officers of the law and for their role in a more sane society than this one, when someone is forced to do bad things or lose their job, that is a temptation that some will succumb to. Where are the police here where I live? There's like 5 law officers for the whole county! No officer is walking the beat where I live. I live in an unincorporated area. To all intents and purposes, the only king in my land is G-d.

If you do live in the city, well, people break laws all the time. Be a skillful law-breaker like so many are for less noble purposes. ;)

Also, as in war, fixed defenses are a testament to human stupidity.

Can they close your church? Yes they can. They shouldn't be able to according to the Constitution, but that doesn't mean they can't try as they have in New York, and they may even succeed eventually.

Can they revoke your church or religious institution's tax-exempt status? Again, according to the Constitution, they shouldn't be able to. Doesn't mean they won't try. Doesn't mean they won't succeed either.

Can they force your religious school to hire godless heathens or to teach violations of your religious teachings or to shut down? According to the Constitution, no. The Constitution doesn't mean much these days. They sure can try, they are trying now, and they may succeed. And if popular opinion or the rest of the government goes against them, I wouldn't count on the Supreme Court to be the last bastion of sanity either. I fear we will discover how toothless the Supreme Court can be.

HOWEVER, can they actually keep you from believing in G-d? Nope. Can they keep you from teaching the same? Not yet anyway, and it is a lot harder for them to target a million separate people than an institution. Can they keep you from home-schooling your children? Not yet, and if I had children (and I praise G-d in this wicked day that I don't,) if they forced me to send my children to a godless secular school I would meet them at the door with a gun. Can they keep you from staying in contact with other believers and praying with them? Nope. The institutions that we depended on, these are under attack. In places, they may fall. Does anything keep us from taking the responsibility once delegated to those institutions onto ourselves and doing church, school and other such things in a decentralized way? Nope. What it does require, is that we take more responsibility onto ourselves.

TAXES: Well you know, lack of government income is not going to stop the government from doing wickedness. They'll just print more. However, higher taxes are definitely a possibility too.

There are also grievous moral implications to your tax dollars. This to me is the most important issue, not that having Washington thieves steal your money isn't important, but this is more important. They are going to use your money to fund Planned Parenthood, sick science using the tissues of murdered children, horrible weapons of war and the like. Our Government Is Wicked. Therefore it is incumbent on us to find ways to prevent them from using our stolen money to perpetrate wickedness. Not that we can perfectly prevent it, but every way we can prevent it we should.

This is the first way: they can't steal money we don't make. Now that is going to sound like a horrible plan, but think about it a second. When I buy a tomato in the store, I have to earn money for that. Those earnings are taxed. If I go out into my garden and eat a tomato, no money is earned or spent. The transaction is between me and the sky and the ground. So everything you can do that is outside the monetary system, that is something you need to don't have to earn money for. Grow a vegetable garden, go fishing for your dinner. Build something rather than buying it. Reuse something rather than buying it.

Henry David Thoreau, not a person I am normally prone to mention in this blog, he wanted to avoid paying taxes that would go to fund the Spanish-American War. Because he was a pacifist and an isolationist and stuff. Soooo.... he stopped paying taxes and they arrested him. Wrong solution.

So instead he chose voluntary poverty. They couldn't tax what he didn't make. And in a lot of ways he was really awful at it, functionally he lived off affluent friends more than off the beans he grew, but he was aiming in the right direction. Every dollar you can avoid spending is a dollar you can avoid making. Every dollar you can avoid making is a dollar they can't tax. Now I am not necessarily advising that you lower your standard of living, unless your standard of living is ridiculous, which for most Americans it kinda is. I am saying they can't tax the vegetable in your garden. They can't tax the fish in your pond. They can't tax the table that you cobbled together from scrap. If the government starts practicing real satanic stuff, it becomes an obligation to do what is possible to avoid having money fall into their hands.

My standard of living compared with most Americans is abominable. My house does not have running water as of yet, I have to go out front with a bucket. I used to have to go out to the pond. My last bath took place in an Igloo ice chest. I only recently got a decent refrigerator and stove: prior to that I was operating out of a refrigerator slightly larger than a suitcase. But I am happy and healthy, and that is what matters.

One other way to (illegally) avoid paying taxes is to operate in cash: now legally you do have to pay taxes on cash earnings just like everything else. If you don't pay taxes on that, you are breaking the law. It is just that such transactions are, shall we say, less visible. ;) 

Another way is barter: if the transaction never involves actual currency, it's not taxable. The problem with this is that people are more isolated than ever and there's not really much in the way of barter networks going on. There should be, but there's not. 

PREPARATION: As one of my favorite Youtube personalities, Patriot Nurse, says, "beans bandages and bullets." ;) I can't claim to be very well prepared in the food storage department, I just moved out here and I was limited in the things I could haul out here and the space I have. I'm going to stock up but I also have rats (or at least A rat) so I need to have enough buckets with lids to put stuff in. I am also hoping for a good harvest next year so I can start stocking up. Bandages, I am okay in that department I think. I have a couple decent first-aid kits and a jar full of normal bandages for smaller cuts. Bullets, well I hope you stocked up on bullets and firearms long before now because prices are just cray-cray now.

Preparation is also tools. Do you have a good basic set of tools for working in wood and for repairing machines? Do you know how to use them, or does someone in your family know? Do you have good food preparation and preservation tools? I may never get more than minor cuts and I may never fire a weapon in anger, but I will definitely need tools for food preparation and preservation.


I am not trying to be alarmist. I am saying that this is our reality now, and everyone who is not still asleep knows this. It will only be getting worse in 2021. The most necessary thing is to draw close to the Lord, double down on repentance and obedience, get in the Bible and stay there. If you have that, you will have everything else. You will do okay. This is not a time to be lukewarm. The lukewarm will fall by the wayside. The lukewarm will fall into the World in time of trouble. The Lord's own people will draw closer to the Lord in such a time.

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Immorality of the Vaccines

 I'll just cut straight to the chase: two of the vaccines, the Moderna vaccine and the Pfizer vaccine, used the stolen flesh of murdered children in the testing and development of the vaccine.

One, the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, uses the stolen flesh of murdered children in the actual production of the vaccine.

The Vatican, in its "infinite wisdom," has said that despite this, there are no moral objections to taking these vaccines. The pronouncements of the Pope are infallible, you know.

No, they frikking are not

These vaccines were built on 1. murder and 2. theft. The murder of babies no less. That's two violations of the Ten Commandments that you are giving your support to when you take the vaccine.

If there is some special case, where if someone catches Covid they will most certainly die, maybe you can make the case that saving that life outweighs these moral considerations. People can do many things to save their lives that would be impermissible otherwise. However, Covid has a 99% survival rate. Moreover, we do not know how effective the Covid vaccines are or how bad or even lethal their side effects are.

For a normal healthy person, taking the Covid vaccine is giving aid and comfort (and money) to those who murdered those children and stole their flesh. It is grossly immoral.

While the Covid vaccine may or may not keep you safe from Covid, and may or may not make you sick, I can say two things for absolute certain. One, it is immoral.

Two is that powerful forces in this country and the world, namely some in government and in corporations, want you to be afraid. Being afraid, you will be obedient and do whatever the experts tell you to do. Stay home, lose your job, go on the dole, stop the daily practice of your lives and your interaction in the life of your community. Fear and despair. This has already happened. They will ratchet up the fear even more in 2021.

We may see the powerful, through corporate employers, requiring employees to take the vaccine else lose their jobs. We may see social credit systems start to appear in the form of proof of vaccination cards. And you know, you won't just have to take vaccines this year. You'll have to take them EVERY YEAR. Covid and whatever comes after Covid, will never be over. They do not want it to be over. They want the ability to force you to shove mystery goop in your arm every single year.

For those who have not G-d, the government is their god. For those who have not G-d, fear has no limitations. If you don't have G-d in your heart, fear can make you do anything. Bow to Molech. Bow to the altar of science and murdered children. The powerful say, we are your gods.

You thought 2020 was bad. It's only just starting.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Perils of Prosperity

 I have enjoyed, really, fairly extravagant good fortune lately. I found a good land with a house for a price I could afford, a land with a pond teeming with fish. My mother's house sold for way more than I expected. I have been super, super fortunate.

Of course luck has nothing to do with it. From G-d comes life, and all the things that come with life. One of my first acts as the new owner of this house was to remove the horseshoe that was nailed right over the front door. It seems the previous owner believed in luck: not that this worked out well for him.

I do not believe in luck. From His hand I receive all things.

However you don't have to go far in the Tanakh to hear the frequently repeated cautionary tale of what happened to the Children of Abraham when they received the blessings of G-d. It is a theme that is repeated over and over and over. Israel was obedient and feared G-d and so they received good things: then they started taking credit for their own success and became haughty and broke faith with G-d, so G-d brought them bad things. And so they repented, or at least some did. And the cycle repeated. Faithfulness is rewarded with prosperity, which tempts many to sin, which brings desolation. It happens so many times in the Tanakh.

In America, our ancestors were faithful or at least way more faithful than is the norm now. They were rewarded. So their children and grandchildren decided to do things their own way, with repercussions that we are only beginning to see. Those ancestors like all good parents prayed to G-d, "help my children." So He did. But when it comes down to grandchildren and great-grandchildren, when those offspring deny G-d, that blessing wears off after awhile. In America, the cumulative blessings of our forefathers have reached their expiration date.

But I didn't start writing this to talk about that. I am talking about my concerns. I am truly scared of this pattern happening to me, and I hope this fear keeps me safe. People badmouth fear: appropriate fear is good. Fear keeps you safe. And so I fear this pattern that happened so many many times to the Israelites could happen to me, and that's...


To be led out of Egypt, which I was no less than the Israelites, and then to turn your back on G-d in the Promised Land, that is terrifying and should be. *I* was lead out of Egypt, my Egypt, the City. Dallas was my Egypt. A place where I had no good work to do and though no chains bound me, I was still a prisoner. I had not come to my Promised Land and I was not doing what I was supposed to be doing.

Now I am in my promised land, and I am very concerned to triple-down on faithfulness because I know what happened. I know what happened to the Israelites. I know the pattern of unfaithfulness that has repeated over and over and over and over. The recognition of that pattern is burned into me.

Oh Lord, keep me lowly. Keep me humble. Keep me obedient. Keep me faithful. May I castigate any trace of pride in me. I have not done these things, You did them. I did not succeed, YOU succeeded in me. How could I succeed? I am nobody. I am nothing. I am nothing without You.

It is said in the Book of Daniel that Daniel prayed and humbled himself and confessed his sins three times a day. I want to take up that habit.

Prosperity is a blessing to the godly, but to the ungodly prosperity is a rope they hang themselves with.

The promise denied was an idea very familiar to the Pilgrim Fathers. It repeats FIVE times in the Book of Numbers when the Israelites were rebellious in the desert and pined for Egypt again. It says, "your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness."

Your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness.
Your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness.
Your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness.
Your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness.

The Promised Land denied is a spiritual nightmare. I want to hammer that thought, and the warnings in Isaiah and throughout the Tanakh, I want to hammer those passages into my brain and heart. Hammer hammer hammer.

I pray to G-d that such a fate shall not befall me. Be wary, when the way to the Promised Land is cleared, that you yourself do not close that door.

Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD,
as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you:

Your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness;
and all that were numbered of you,
according to your whole number,
from twenty years old and upward,
which have murmured against me,

Doubtless ye shall not come into the land,
concerning which I sware to make you dwell therein,
save Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and
Joshua the son of Nun.

But your little ones, which ye said should be a prey,
them will I bring in, and they shall know the land
which ye have despised.

But as for you,
your carcasses, they shall fall in this wilderness.

And your children shall wander in the wilderness
forty years, and bear your whoredoms,
until your carcasses be wasted in the wilderness.

~Numbers 14:28-33

I will sing for the one I love
    a song about his vineyard:
My loved one had a vineyard
    on a fertile hillside.

He dug it up and cleared it of stones
    and planted it with the choicest vines.
He built a watchtower in it
    and cut out a winepress as well.
Then he looked for a crop of good grapes,
    but it yielded only bad fruit.

“Now you dwellers in Jerusalem and people of Judah,
    judge between me and my vineyard.

What more could have been done for my vineyard
    than I have done for it?
When I looked for good grapes,
    why did it yield only bad?
Now I will tell you
    what I am going to do to my vineyard:
I will take away its hedge,
    and it will be destroyed;
I will break down its wall,
    and it will be trampled.

I will make it a wasteland,
    neither pruned nor cultivated,
    and briers and thorns will grow there.
I will command the clouds
    not to rain on it.”

The vineyard of the Lord Almighty
    is the nation of Israel,
and the people of Judah
    are the vines he delighted in.
And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed;
    for righteousness, but heard cries of distress.

~Isaiah 5:1-7

Monday, December 14, 2020


 Just so you know, I am no natural tofu-slurper. I love eating meat.

I am also no pacifist. If a human were attacking me, I would have no issue with popping a cap in their asses. If a feral hog was charging me, same thing. If a feral hog were not charging me but wrecking my food crops, I would do whatever is necessary to make him stop, up to and including killing him. If a human being were wrecking my food crops, I would probably call 911 but if that were not possible, like in a breakdown of society, I would let him no in no uncertain terms that the consequences of his continuing could be fatal to him.

And then I'd eat him. Just kidding. ;)

If an animal were an uninvited guest in my house, like a rat or a stinging insect, I would have no qualms about killing them. I am very territorial about my space and not having unwanted critters invade it.

This is also not about the truly heinous commercial production of meat. That is probably worth a post in itself, but I'm probably not going to do it. Suffice to say that commercial meat production is a Dachau for animals.

Also, probably even most vegans would eat meat if the alternative was starvation.

This is not even a question of whether meat eating is biblically permissible, which under kosher conditions it clearly is. However, commercial meat production as it now exists was not something that was anticipated for in the Torah, and it is quite possible that most meat production now would be considered inhumane.

This is a personal question: assuming that I have adequately nutritive alternatives, and assuming also that it is not industrially-produced meat (it is hunted or raised myself,) and assuming that I don't need to kill the animal to protect self, home or food supplies, should I kill animals for meat?

Indulge me in a bit of a story. I am here on the Farm, but my food production capacities at present are limited. Many days, I basically eat gruel, a grim combination of Malt-O-Meal, oatmeal, wheat germ and peanut butter. I am operating out of a refrigerator slightly larger than a suitcase. So if anyone is in need of a change of pace food-wise, it's surely me. No doubt I would benefit nutritionally too from better quality food. I would certainly enjoy to eat something tasty for a change. Most days I just force something down. That situation is unlikely to change until I get a proper refrigerator and a proper stove, which I am holding off on that until the house in Dallas gets sold. Then I can get to a decent grocery store in Sulphur Springs or Paris and stock up.

Anyway, I wanted to determine for survival purposes whether my pond had fish in it and if so, what kind. If SHTF and grocery stores and/or money becomes inaccessible, I wanted to know whether the pond was my ace in the hole or just a wet hole. So I went fishing.

After a great deal of struggle with casting (it's been a long time since I fished,) I finally placed the hook right in the middle of the pond. And immediately got a strike. And I pulled up a nice sized fish.

It was a beautiful bass. I mean, a really nice looking fish. I got a good look at it as I tried to get the hook out of his mouth. It would have made a really nice meal.

And then I let the fish go.

One reason among many why I am here in the sticks on 3 acres instead of the city is that I want to be mostly self-sufficient in food. And there are many reasons why I want that. But being self-sufficient in food for an omnivore means raising and killing animals. And I don't feel that I am okay with that. Sure, if I HAD to kill animals to eat, I would, but I don't have to. People survive on vegetarian and vegan diets all the time.

In Genesis, in the beginning, every living thing was supposedly vegetarian. Then after Noah landed the Ark, G-d told him he (and his descendants) could eat anything they wanted. Then again, in Isaiah, in the Kingdom of G-d, everything will be vegetarian again and there will be no more death.

So killing animals for food permitted = yes. It is permitted. It is also a sign of our sin. Before the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam did not eat meat. In the Kingdom, no one will eat meat.

All I know is that short of true need, premeditated killing of animals for food is not something I am personally very okay with. 

The wolf will live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling a together;
and a little child will lead them.
The cow will feed with the bear,
their young will lie down together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
The infant will play near the cobra’s den,
and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.

They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea.

~Isaiah 11:6-9

Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves.
So be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.

~Matthew 10:16

Wednesday, December 9, 2020



G-d in the Torah is absolutely unambiguous: love, revere, respect, acknowledge, NO OTHER GODS BUT HIM. 

יהוה‎ ALONE.


How intolerant! ;) How disrespectful of other paths! That's not at all adequately multicultural! ;)

Now you might say, as many do, "I don't like any of them. They can all get stuffed." But that's not true. Even if you are an absolute atheist, you have gods. They are just mortal perishable gods. Whatever you pay the highest respect to, whatever you owe obedience to, that is your god. Their god may be satisfying their desires, or sex, or the respect of their peers, or any of a myriad of things. They indeed have many gods, none of them good. 

The absolutism and exclusivity of G-d's claims in the Bible are an inalienable part of the entire thing. You can't just subtract that if you don't like it. If you are a Christian church or a Reform synagogue, and you let Buddhists or Hindus or, G-d forbid, Wiccans, have ceremonies or preach at your place of worship, just stop. Take the sign off your door that says "church" or "synagogue." Sell all your bibles, sell em to someone who will read them. Call yourself an "Open-Source Temple" or something, but what you don't do is you don't clutch the Bible in one hand while clutching Hinduism or Wicca or Secularism in the other.

Did you not even read the thing in your own hand?

Idiot! Vegetable!

Do you not care that you are doing the very thing that the Prophet Elijah commanded people to be killed for? Do you not care that you are doing the very thing that King Josiah slayed pagan priests on their own altars to stop?

I don't personally care if you want to practice Wicca, or Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Secularism, or anything else. Not my circus, not my monkeys. It's your loss. What I DO care about is if you are defaming the name of the Lord יהוה‎ by MIXING HIS NAME WITH THAT OF OTHER GODS. They don't belong together.


You cannot claim to worship Him AND other gods. It says so, right there in the Bible.

Read it before you become a preacher, motherfucker.

Moreover, G-d has rules that are mostly pretty clear. We may not want them to be clear, but they actually are:

The first one is actually the whole "no other gods" thing. It's right there, the very first Commandment.

Don't make idols.
(Okay I am simplifying that one. I regard it as a ban on the representation of any sentient being, but lets keep it simple.)

Don't misrepresent G-d, as happens continually in the so-called progressive churches.

Remember the Sabbath day, don't work or make others work on the Sabbath.
Wow that one really fell by the wayside. The Sabbath is on Saturday, by the way.  

Honor your mother and father.

Don't murder. This includes murdering your sons and daughters, born or unborn.

Do not commit adultery
(There's another one that fell out of use.)

Don't steal. (This includes you, Washington D.C.)

Don't lie or falsely accuse someone
(technically the commandment is against false accusation, but certainly G-d hates lies.)

You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.

There are other laws, but these are the biggies.

SO, if you are ensconced in a Christian church or a Reform synagogue and you are preaching the compatibility of the religion of the G-d of Sinai with other beliefs, or preaching things that the Bible clearly preaches against; if you are preaching for abortion, homosexuality, sexual immorality, divorce or moral relativism... are utterly completely gratuitously intentionally misrepresenting G-d.

Such a person should be stoned to death. Stoned, with extreme prejudice. However the Bible also preaches against taking the law into your own hands, so in the absence of community elders who can get together and decide, "yup, this so-called pastor or preacher needs to be stoned to death," there's not a lot that can be done along those lines.

But I swear, if I hear any more from these progressive aborting divorcing homosexualizing gender-fluidizing preachers, I'm gonna want to make a large order at the rock quarry.

Murder is EVIL
Abortion is EVIL
Pagan idolatry is EVIL
Misrepresenting G-d is EVIL
Breaking the Sabbath is EVIL
Dishonoring your parents is EVIL
Adultery is EVIL
Divorce is EVIL
Sexual immorality is EVIL
Stealing is EVIL
Lying is EVIL
Coveting what doesn't belong to you is EVIL.

Love G-d: hate what is evil.