Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Am *I* The Crazy One?

 THIS IS A REPOST OF A FACEBOOK POST. I am copying it here because nobody knows what FB might do in the future or if I will be able to be on it. Nobody knows what Google might do in the future either, but at least now it is in two places.


Am I the crazy one? I don't think that I am. I think I am one of very few making any sense.
Without avidly and sincerely seeking the ways of G-d and seeking to implement them, humanity is without hope. There is no hope even of the kind of consumer lifestyle that the atheist materialists want, for very long.

How are you going to have your lifestyle, or at least how are your children going to have your lifestyle, when deranged, UNNATURAL, power-hungry, neurotically-control-freakish and quite possibly genocidal leaders have no curbs, no traditions, no restrictions on the power of the idolatrous false god GOVERNMENT, no obstacles to their path to blow the whole thing up?

If it is not clear yet, THEY DON'T CARE. They sure as hell don't care about you. They don't even care about THEMSELVES! There is Nancy Pelosi, marching us all to WW3. A suicide cult. They don't even have the spiritual sight to know that is what they are doing! They are morally and spiritually completely blinded. They don't have eyes to see what they are doing anymore, if they ever did.

Why? Because they hate G-d. So like Pharoah, G-d blinded them and hardened their hearts.

Let us reason together for the moment, atheists. Is there anything less trustworthy on this Earth than human governments? Is there anything less trustworthy on this Earth than human beings and human "wisdom" PERIOD? Lets count it up.

There is the 40 MILLION DEAD in WW1
There is the 85 MILLION DEAD in WW2
There are the millions dead in the Korean, Vietnam and all the subsequent wars we were so fond of at the time.

And these deaths are 100% attributable to the power of human governments. This is human wisdom in action! 😮

So tell me, how is it that you trust humans and their governments again? I don't see it.

Oh wait, I can answer that question for you! 😉 It is GOOD THAT HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS DIED IN THE 20TH AND EARLY 21ST CENTURIES. Why? Global warming. 😉 I have literally heard liberals argue that anything that kills millions of people is good, or even that human extinction is good.

Like I said, it is a suicide cult. It will get us all killed one day.

There is ONE AND ONLY ONE RIGHT WAY, period. That way is G-D's WAY.

Which G-d? The G-d of Sinai. The G-d of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob. YHWH.

I will say it again. ONE AND ONLY ONE RIGHT WAY.

I am only a man, my knowledge of that way is not perfect, but I sure am gonna try to learn it because that is our only hope.

SEEK THAT WAY WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND SOUL AND STRENGTH. SEEK HIM WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND SOUL AND STRENGTH. Maybe, just maybe, He will give you sanctuary in the storm of absolute human wickedness and insanity and depravity.

No, *I* am not the crazy one

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