Wednesday, October 26, 2022

What do you do with all the Woke commies?

I usually go with more spiritual topics on this blog, but since I have been banned on Facebook for 24 hours for CRACKING A FRIKKING JOKE, I guess I have to put this here. 

The Nation, once a semi-respectable magazine of sorts, recently went with an article entitled, "Do We Really Have to Care About Miserable White People? Sadly, yes, because they wield disproportionate political power." Read it if you have the belly for it. This is how you say you are a racist without saying you are a racist.

Also, here's their new cover. Think they are sending a message here?

I think maybe they don't like Christians too much, whaddya think?

Now, just as the profoundly odious Joan Walsh asks the question of what they can do about all the hateful unhappy white people, I am going to ask: what the hell do we do with all the woke commies?

If I could push a button and export them all permanently to China, with a Biblical curse that their skin will melt if they ever set foot in the United States again, I probably would. But mass teleportation and Biblical curses are not in my tool box. What's the solution, then? Because if they aren't stopped they are going to wind up making the Third Reich look positively sane.

Total urban meltdown. I hate to recommend Armageddon as a solution to anything, but honestly we're there. We either have to find a way to disenfranchise the Woketards permanently - very undemocratic of me, I know - or else the cities just have to completely melt down and since they can't survive anywhere else, they'll die. Now Putin might make that prescription literal, and that might be a fix as long as Putin and Xi get the same treatment, but we don't have to wait on Crazy Vlad to push the button. The Woketards are shitting their own beds as we speak. The cities they need to continue their parasitic way of life, are the cities they are destroying. Nice symmetry, that.

Now either cheering on their self-induced destruction or politically castrating them both sound like very extreme solutions, and they are. If these solutions were available in the 1930's to stop Hitler from rising to power and initiating the deaths of innocent millions (as versus woketards who are not innocent,) would you want to use them?

Lets take stock of where we are for a minute:

· We have corporate censorship in this country and the executive branch of the US government has eagerly offered to help them do that. I got censored just today.

· We have people in positions of political power demanding total control over your body and whatever they may want to inject into it.

· We have a news media almost entirely controlled by the Woke commies. It is Democrat State Media at this point, an American Pravda.

· The US government is intentionally opening the borders to all comers in order to dilute the vote of current American citizens. That might backfire because basically nobody in the world is as Woke as some Americans are. Those who become citizens are not that likely to go along with it.

· The entire American educational establishment is controlled by the Woke commies. Universities are leftist indoctrination centers. The Teacher's Union is run by Woke commies. Children are being taught in schools to embrace sexual deviance and white self-loathing.

· We have parents drugging and in some times getting surgery for their "transgender" children, with permanent consequences.

· Thanks to the Patriot Act and other such laws, the US Government can spy on its own citizens with impunity.

· They want to disarm us. Gosh, wonder why they want that?

· They want to legalize the murder of the unborn until birth.

· The media suppresses news stories and calls them disinformation when they are critical of Democrats (such as with the Hunter Biden laptop) and then will turn around and say it happened after all, no apologies. They spread disinformation about Republicans, such as that concerned parents at school board meetings are "terrorists."

· Many many more such things.

The hour is way too late to play patty-cake with these monsters. If I could push that magical button that would cause them all to die, aside from a few that I for some unaccountable reason take a liking to, I totally would, because the alternative could be a dystopia the likes of which the Earth has never yet seen. 40 million dead Woketards is a small price to pay for saving humanity. They already chose death anyway.

ANYTHING that we can do to stop them is justified. There may not be shooting in the streets, but it's a war. There is no fair play in war. Now there is a good chance they may self destruct and we don't have to do anything, they seem pretty good at that, but anything else we have to do to stop them we must do. If they win, say goodbye to your life, your country, your freedom and probably anything else you value.

It was true then and it is true now. There is only one kind of good communist. Hell, it's an insult to historical communists to call them communists, the focking Soviet Union was practically wholesome compared to these guys. The Soviet Union wasn't trying to cut your kids nads off. The Soviet Union didn't have Pride Parades where naked pervs march down public streets. I should call them Woke Satanists because that's what they are, the commie bit is just one feature of a much larger package. Their movement needs to be put down like the rabid dogs they are. With extreme prejudice.