Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Architecture of the End

Written in the middle of a 3 day Facebook bän, so I am writing it here for later posting there.

I am using character replacement so that computer algorithms won't easily be able to use what I write to bän me or target me for scrûtiny. Hopefully this blog entry will be up and not messed with for a long time.

Here are the clear signs of how the world ends. I do not know if this means it is ending now or if it is irreversible now, I just know that these are the signs.

1. A group takes power that believes in bäby mûrder, glorifying përversion, häting G-d, and glorifying the power of the human State. Stateolatry. Since they view humans as basically glorified lab rats, they will use lab-rat like controls on us: controlling what is in the mëdia, on TV, on the ïnternet. Using peer pressure. Silencing opposing voices. They deny the Spirit of G-d and so they deny that any other influences are acting besides prõpaganda and counter-prõpaganda. The cõunter-prõpaganda is silenced.

2. The gõdless for whom the State is god, will go along with them. The mäjority will have reservations, but lacking fäith they will not resist.

3. The State, the synthetic god, will need hard control. It has been using soft control up until now, this has had unforeseen complications. Many people are wäking up. We are developing äntibodies as it were to this invasion of our minds. So they are going to bypass our minds. The next step is hard control. Øbey or get a knock on your door or a jäckboot on your neck. Or ultimately, just dëad.

We are currently seeing the test bed for that hard control in Australia. They are scientifically minded in a false sense, sciënceolatry, so they will want to experiment first. Based on experimental results, they will decide whether to progress to the next stage. Australia, NZ, the UK and Canada are their experimental testing grounds. First they took away their gûns so they cannot resist. Then they used the ¢ovïd to justify lõckdõwns and penalize resistance to ɣ䢢ïnätion. The point is not the ɣ䢢ïne, though it is very nasty stuff and the technology to make it was created using the stõlen flesh of mûrdered bäbies. Ëvil by design. But the point is control: THEIR control over YOUR body.

It is not "my bõdy my choice" when it comes to THEM.

4. The ¢ovïd ɣ䢢ïne is not the Mark spoken of in Revelation. The Mark is common sense by the way, I am not deferring to the authority of the New Testament which I do not generally take as scripture. The Tanakh alone is scripture. I am in fact deferring to logic. The dominion of Evïl requires control: the Mark is control. They have been using soft control up until now: that is insufficient. The Dëvil's whole plan is control in fact. Submïssion to him.

The ¢ovïd ɣ䢢ïne is TRAINING for the Mark. They will run their experiments to see how far they can push the regïme of control in Australia, NZ, the UK and Canada. Pretty far, as it happens.

5. Gûn$ in America are still a big problem. They will need comprehensive ĝûn control and then gûñ cõnfiscation in order for their next plans to work well. If they fail, they will begin to destroy America. Whatever economic, social, mïlitary or other devästation they can throw at us. They won't have a choice: without gûn confiscation the next phase cannot go forward in America.

6. They will then design a new more dëadly ɣïrû$, or one that they can manipulate the reporting on to make it look much more dëadly. It's not that they are afraid of a high bõdy count, they're not, as long as it isn't THEM. For the gõdless their own lives and survival are all that matter, so they won't want something that can kïll THEM. Maybe they will design a ɣ䢢ïne first and give it to all the elites first before they release it.

The new ɣïrû$ will allow them to release a new mandate: get ɣ䢢ïnäted or die. They will release a new cõntact träcing mechanism, something implanted in your skin that can record and upload everywhere you go, everyone you come in contact with, everything you buy or sell, and everything you do. You will not be able to buy or sell without it. If you do not get it, they will kill you in the name of pûblic såfety. They will be able to do so, because by then no one will own ĝûn$ (or very few.)

THIS is the Mark.

This is how the total dõminïõn of ëvil happens. When it is no longer possible to be born free, then comes the end because the Earth will no longer serve a useful purpose. According to many Jëws, the continued existence of the planet is for the sake of the Tzaddikim, the few rïghteous ones, for whose sake G-d does not destrõy the world. A world no longer capable of allowing Tzaddikim to exist is a world that no longer serves its purpose, and will be dëstrõyed.

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